I can't use 2fa to login in my work account

I’ve changed my phone some months ago and formated my computer, with this i can’t use 2fa to login in my work account, someone through for this and can help me?

You should contact support.gitlab.com, this is only community forum. If you are on paid tier it will get resolved quickly. If you are on Free you will wait.

Hey, did this get resolved?

Not yet, i cant receive new code on my phone, can you reset to my account please? I need register again with my new phone.

Nobody here can help you. This is a community forum, where the majority of us have zero permissions to do with the Gitlab.com servers - this is manage solely by Gitlab employees/administrators. You have to open a ticket here: https://support.gitlab.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000803379

We are normal users of Gitlab just like you who manage our own servers.

There’s already hundreds of posts on this forum that explain nobody can help with passwords, nobody can help with 2FA resets. I guess nobody uses the search functionality so we continually have to repeat ourselves.

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