Improved forum topic workflow through guided templates

:globe_with_meridians: Improved forum topic workflow through guided templates

All categories now provide topic templates which help guide users with questions in collecting details, and to help forum contributors to help more efficiently :hugs: You will also notice less categories in the topic creation drop-down, and forum dashboard. This iteration was done with merging similar categories, making it easier to ask questions and contribute. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Guided templates:

  1. For How to Use GitLab GitLab CI/CD GitLab Duo (AI) and more product features: logs, configuration, steps to reproduce, versions and where to get them, etc. including links to helpful troubleshooting resources.
  2. For GitLab University Training types, exams, etc.
  3. For Community programs and General Default template to guide into potentially better categories for support questions.

All templates encourage to use the forum search, and query the GitLab issue tracker before creating a new topic. Some example screenshots:

For transparency, the templates are persisted in this project, are documented in the GitLab handbook (MR), the Developer Relations task is tracked in this issue.

FYI @iwalker @paula.kokic @sugaroverflow