Increasing memory and cpus for windows docker build

Changing memory and cpus in config.toml doesn’t carry over to container instances called.

I am running a docker-windows execuctor on a Windows Server. That server hardware has plenty of 400GB RAM and CPUs (32). I registered this server with gitlab-runner and updated the config.toml file to use memory=16384m and cpus=2 per container and set concurrent=8. But when i run jobs on my gitlab project, i only see 2 GB of ram being used per container and hardly any CPU.

I though all i had to do was update the config.toml file in my C:\gitlab-runner\ folder. But this doesn’t seem to do anything.

I searched all the documentation i could find, but i cannot seem to find anything that could explain this. I know that i cannot change the setting of docker to automatically support this for windows. i need gitlab-runner service to include these settings (–memory=X and --cpus=X) as options when it calls up the container.

Any ideas?

Hi, did you ever resolve this?

It seems the correct way to do it is to specify cpus and memory within the runners’s configuration, see Advanced configuration | GitLab .