Introduction - @HeroicHitesh

Introduction Ideas

:mortar_board: Name - Hitesh Kumar and GitLab handle - HeroicHitesh

:mortar_board: :earth_americas: posting from India :india:

:mortar_board: I am a part of Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology and I study in Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Department

:mortar_board: I am using GitLab for my internship purpose, the organization I am interning at has all the code hosted on GitLab.

:mortar_board: Favorite way to spend my free time - Binge-watching, Playing football

Feel free to connect with me at LinkedIn


Welcome to the forum @HeroicHitesh! Awesome to hear about the ways youโ€™re using GitLab. What kind of internship are you in?

Thanks @slee24. I am working on ReactJS based web development internship.

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