Issue board bugs

The issue board is all buggy :poop::

  1. Board list keeps getting empty.
  2. Editing an issue label leaves the spinner beside “Labels” spinning forever.
  3. Editing the label doesn’t update the board lists.
  4. Labels lists is empty sometimes for no reason.
  5. The issues page doesn’t sometimes show the issues created from a board.
  6. Having created a new issue from the board, I click on the title and get to a 500 page (
  7. On the issue page, I bulk close multiple issues. The operation successful. After page refresh they are again opened.
  8. Opening an issue keeps showing “Something went wrong on our side” line.
  9. Some requests don’t respond during 30 seconds.
  10. Sometimes closed issues appear in the “Open” tab. Clicking them leads to a 404 page.

I have a perfect internet connection.

Guys, do you consider your users QA?

Great, stupid gitlab team. Still no feedback? While I encounter the same bugs.

Well, that’s come constructive feedback right there…

Let me remind you that this is a Community forum. If you think you have hit some bug, you should submit it in the issue tracker where it’ll get a chance to be viewed by the developers

Please refrain from that language in the future, it doesn’t help anyone! Thanks :slight_smile: