Issue with using group runner to process MRs from forks

Problem to solve

We use a group runner to automate tasks in our project. One of the developers forked the repository into his personal namespace, made changes, and created a Merge Request (MR) back to the original project.

Actual behavior (problem):
The MR pipeline is triggered under the user’s personal namespace (once I open job it appears as https://gitlab.our.domain/user/cms/-/jobs/260590), and thus the group runner is not used to execute jobs. As a result, this job is not executed and fails due to a timeout.

Expected behavior:

The MR pipeline is triggered using the group runner configured for the project group, and jobs are executed successfully.


  1. Is it possible to configure the group runner to process pipelines for MRs created from forks?
  2. Can the group runner be assigned to a user to ensure job execution in such cases?
  3. Is there any other recommended way to ensure that pipelines for MRs from forks are processed using the group runner?


  • Self-managed


root@gitlab:~# gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info

System information
System: Ubuntu 20.04
Current User: git
Using RVM: no
Ruby Version: 3.2.5
Gem Version: 3.5.23
Bundler Version:2.5.11
Rake Version: 13.0.6
Redis Version: 7.0.15
Sidekiq Version:7.2.4
Go Version: unknown

GitLab information
Version: 17.6.1
Revision: 8a31863db02
Directory: /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails
DB Adapter: PostgreSQL
DB Version: 14.11
SSH Clone URL: ssh://
Using LDAP: no
Using Omniauth: yes
Omniauth Providers:

GitLab Shell
Version: 14.39.0
Repository storages:

  • default: unix:/var/opt/gitlab/gitaly/gitaly.socket
    GitLab Shell path: /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell


  • default Address: unix:/var/opt/gitlab/gitaly/gitaly.socket
  • default Version: 17.6.1
  • default Git Version: 2.47.0