Problem to solve
I’m setting up a new CI server and almost everything is smooth sailing.
most jobs are executed perfectly, but some seem to be stuck after running the steps successfully, with:
WARNING: step_script could not run to completion because the timeout was exceeded. For more control over job and script timeouts see:
Steps to reproduce
I’m using VirtualBox for this and did some debugging on a running instance. The machine itself shows nothing running anymore (using ps). There is an ssh session left open idle. If I kill that process the jobs fails with an EOF.
The runner logs shows the job is still running, but as far as I can tell nothing is actually busy. I don’t know how else to debug that link between the gitlab-runner and the VirtualBox machine.
Any help is really appreciated
I don’t have a reproducable context yet. Some jobs pass, some don’t. I cannot share the whole project. A job that seem to fail every time:
deploy to staging:
stage: deploy
environment: staging
script: |
eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add -t 5m <(echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_STAGING")
if [ "$(git rev-parse origin/master)" == "$CI_COMMIT_SHA" ] ; then
bundle exec cap staging deploy deploy:cleanup
echo "We're not on the last commit anymore... skipping deploy"
- master
The task ‘bundle exec cap staging deploy deploy:cleanup’ is successfully finished
Please select whether options apply, and add the version information.
- Self-managed
- SaaS
- Self-hosted Runners
- GitLab (Web:
or self-managed system information): 17.3.1 - GitLab Runner, if self-hosted (Web
or CLIgitlab-runner --version
): 17.3.1