Job succeeded and stuck

Terraform has been successfully initialized!
$ terraform fmt -recursive # collapsed multi-line command
No formatting changes needed.
Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache main-1-protected...
.terraform: found 206 matching artifact files and directories 
.terraform.lock.hcl: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 
Uploading to 
Created cache
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
Job succeeded

And thats it, it can be infinity. I didnt changed the CI, its just happened.
What shoud i do?

1 Like

same just started happening to us :frowning: … it seems like sometimes (maybe always) waiting long enough will succeed … but its looooong (like 20 minutes) I hope we arent being billed for that compute :frowning:

Same here.

For me it’s looks like a timeout from side.

It’s takes 5min after job finish to complete the job for me.

Also upgrade my runner (run in k3s) to 17.6.0, but still the same issue.

Well, some pipelines couldn’t even stop and used up all my minutes. I understand there’s no support here for free users. Oh well.

2024-12-19: The PGBouncer Single Core per Node resource of the pgbouncer service ( stage) has a saturation exceeding SLO and is close to its capacity limit. (#19033) · Issues · / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production · GitLab

seems like the relevant issue

Yeah, used up our minutes too. It didn’t even cancel the job when I noticed it was running long, just stuck in the “cancelling” state, I think. Hopefully there’s some mitigation.

On the plus side, I looked into the open source program because of this. :slight_smile:

So new update. Now my account is blocked.

we also used up all our minutes :frowning: stuck in states … yesterday we had used ~5k out of 10k … today we have used 15k out of 10k :frowning: