Let users only see releases not the whole repository

I want certain users to only be able to see and download releases, not the actual repository. The guest role is kind of close, but under releases they only see links, they can’t download zip/tar, while reporter role can already see and edit the repository.
I’m either looking for a way for guests to download the release zip or to limit visibility of files in the repository to only certain users. Or maybe to only let them clone the repository, not edit it. Is this possible?
I’m using self-managed free enterprise edition version 15.2.2

There are no possibilities to customise roles, which means it’s either guest or reporter - I’m assuming that your repositories are private. The other alternative, is make the repository public, but then that would mean anyone could clone/download but at least they cannot edit.

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Hi @blazspaca

you can package your source code, upload it to GitLab Generic package registry and link it in Release. Guest users will be able to download the uploaded archive. Note: On self-managed GitLab instances, guest users are able to perform this action only on public and internal projects (not on private projects).

I don’t know what you mean by “edit repository”, but Reporter can’t edit source code or even create a branch. But in general it can create some stuff like Issues.

I usually recommend to use some other package repository for private projects to publish their binaries or something else.