Let's Encrypt keeps failing, and gives no additional details why

The Let’s Encrypt SSL verification for one of my repositories was working fine for a few months, but now is reporting an error in renewal (“Something went wrong while obtaining the Let’s Encrypt certificate” error on the repository’s Pages settings page).

I have checked the DNS settings that the documentation indicates (and the GitLab Pages page does still indicate the domain is verified), and have tried the “Refresh” option a few times (24 hours apart from each other). The error message doesn’t change, and doesn’t provide any additional details on WHY the process is failing.

Are there any other ways to find out what it’s failing on? The site currently is working, and the current certificate doesn’t expire until May 9, so there’s some time to fix it, but not sure if there’s anything I can do to actively troubleshoot this beyond keep trying the “Refresh” option every few days?

The repository that’s failing to renew the certificate is a subdomain, and the root domain is also a GitLab Pages deploy from a separate GitLab repository, and that one is not reporting any problems with renewing its certificate.

Ooops, nevermind; chalk this one up to user error. I got my subdomains confused and the one that’s erroring is erroring because it’s transitioning to another hosting solution. This whole thread can be deleted as not really a GitLab issue; it’s expected to error for domains in that situation.