Hi everyone
Has anyone done a lift & shift migration of GitLab from self hosted omnibus to self hosted kubernetes?
Is it possible?
Thank you
As far as I am aware, Gitlab can only be restored to the same version. This means:
- Backup from Gitlab-CE can only be restored to Gitlab-CE (same for Gitlab-EE).
- Version number must match, so if backup is from 16.1 it can only be restored to 16.1.
- Omnibus can only be restored to Omnibus or Docker restored to Docker.
In which case, attempting to backup/restore from Omnibus to a Container version, be it Docker or Kubernetes would mean that it’s not possible. Unless at least I am mistaken, but that is how it’s been explained in the past. At least for points 1 and 2 anyway being 100% correct.
Appreciate your response, thank you so much
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How about restoring omnibus backup file onto kubernetes? will this work?
Thank you
I already answered that in my post.
Thank you, much appreciated
You’re right, apologies, my mistake
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