Milestones filtering out associated issues


Since today we have noticed the Milestones section is filtering the issues related to it. It now displays a message saying it’s only showing 20 of the issues and offers an option to see all issues, which takes us to the list view, rather than displaying them on the Milestones board.


The way Milestones displays information works perfectly for us - one column for unassigned issues, one for assigned and one for closed. As it currently stands this becomes fairly unusable as it filters out the older issues, regardless of where they are in their life cycle.

Although I understand some people might want to have issues filtered out in the milestones board, is there a way to set the number to be filtered out?

Thank you.

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This change took us by surprise. The milestone view is suddenly a lot less helpful now that it only displays 20 issues.


likely you are using, or a self hosted version?

I had seen an MR which reverts this behavior. That’s discussed in this comment too. The next rollout window will fix this behaviour.


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Looks fixed on our end.

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