No confirmation email for new users

I want to setup a gitlab instance for internal use. Since the
instance can only be reached over a local network I haven’t setup the
email setup. Unfortunately gitlab still wants to sent new users
conformation emails with a temporary password, but they never receive
this email.

Is there a way to configure gitlab so that it doesn’t send these conformation mails? I already tried to set email_enabled: false in gitlab.yml but it didn’t work.

It should work without me having to interfere manually in the signup process.


This is a significant issue. The entire reason I’m interested in using GitLab is to run an instance on an internal (not-internet-connected) network, and this requirement for sending/receiving email is a complete show-stopper.

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edit: /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gem/ruby/2.1.0/gems/devise-3.2.4/lib/devise.rb
line: 123
change to: @@email_regexp = /\A[^@]+@[^@]+\z/

rerun: gitlab-cli reconfigure.

Now any new user you create will not be required to click on a verification email.

If there was an easier way to do this please tell me. I couldn’t find one.

A nice if statement would do the trick in the future? So I can change the gitlab.rb config file instead…

How does this fix the problem?

i have installed bitnami gitlab, and i can not found that path that you specified. Have you any idea how it is work?

Also extremely need this. Do not want to use email for this at all. Would be satisfied if the confirmation was configurable to be disabled. Also an option with Telegram confirmation instead of email was available.