On-Prem Gitlab Container Initialisation delay

Hello Team,

I’m configuraing Gitlab on RHEL 9 Virtual Box machine using docker Compose. The specification of this machine is 7GB RAm and 2 VCPUS. I’m using below YAML File to setup Gitlab Container.

version: "3.6"
    image: gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest
    container_name: st17-gitlab
    restart: always
      - '8080:80'

After runnning docker-compose -d it takes around 22 minutes to beome healthy. Just want to understand the reason behind the delay.

[root@Gitlab-Server ~]# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                     COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                    PORTS                                                    NAMES
f8357cac5408   gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest   "/assets/wrapper"   About an hour ago   Up 22 minutes (healthy)   22/tcp, 443/tcp,>80/tcp, :::8080->80/tcp   st17-gitlab

does it usually take this much time for the container to become healthy?

Looking forward to your response.


Probably because minimum CPU is 4. If you are using 2 you will need to think about disabling unneeded services. Suggest you increase CPU from 2 to 4. Also, min ram is 8GB, so you have less than that as well.

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