

I’ve been using a Raspberry PI 2 for a long time. Got wheezy and then upgraded to jessie but now with stretch I’ve decided to reinstall the system and make a clean start.

I was unable to install gitlab-ce using raspbian configuration for stretch so I changed “jessie” tag in sources for it to install but somehow, it doesn’t run ok.

From previous install I knew gitlab pages sometimes take a while, raspberry is a small computer, but now I am unable to view anything, also my raspberry becomes unresponsive for some minutes when I try to access my gitlab root site for loggin in.

Also I’m getting errors of 502 socket is used, seems postfix likes 25 port and it’s a little tricky, but even after disabling that service gitlab is not available, timeouts occur, high memory and cpu usages occur…

I already changed sidekiq concurrency to 1, nginx worker_processes to 1,
prometheus enable to false…

I do not know what version I had, I only coppied repositories folder, and a backup file which says “gitlab_version: 8.17.0-rc1” but it was working!!!

I cannot even make this version to log me in!!! What changed? I do not remember having to tweak the configuration file so much to get gitlab working… Should I try a previous release? Why raspberry version is not tweaked or has a better optimization to run properly?

Version 8.17.4 works OK without any kind of tweaking

Just use these repositories

deb https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/raspberry-pi2/debian/ jessie main
deb-src https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/raspberry-pi2/debian/ jessie main

I would just use the Omnibus package installation from the installation page: https://about.gitlab.com/installation/#ubuntu
It installs the correct version of the package repositories for your distribution.