Optimizing API calls for getting commits

Problem to solve

Using REST-API and/or GraphQL I want to fetch one commit per day for the last 90 days. If there’s no commit for one day it’s also ok… currently I’ve two approaches:

  1. For each day, call the commits API (Commits API | GitLab), set per_page=1 and use since/until for the specific day. For each commit, use the Repository files API (Repository files API | GitLab) to get the source for each commit. This would cause 90 calls to the commits API and following this, 90 calls to the Repository files API.

  2. Using the commits API (Commits API | GitLab), set per_page=1 and use since/until for the specific day. Based on the commits, create a GraphQL and send it to the Gitlab instance to retrieve the content for the corresponding commits. This would cause 90 calls to the commits API and 2 or 3 GraphQL queries because of the complexity because I’ve to add a separate “project-query” like:

  query1:project(fullPath: "/my/project") {
    repository {
      blobs(paths: "myfile" ref: "1234abcda") {
        nodes {
  query2:project(fullPath: "/my/project") {
    repository {
      blobs(paths: "myfile" ref: "1234abcdb") {
        nodes {
  query3:project(fullPath: "/my/project") {
    repository {
      blobs(paths: "myfile" ref: "1234abcdc") {
        nodes {

The reason I want one commit per day is because the file I’m requesting is updated every 5 minutes via API calls already.

The most “critical” thing is the commits API. In the commits API there’s already a since/until flag. In my case a “interval” parameter would be helpful where I can specify the “interval” between the commits returned. For example setting “interval” to 84600s means one commit within the given since/until. But unfortunately I don’t know if it would be possible…

Is anyone knowing a better approach?


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