I am trying to use Lets Encrypt on Gitlab pages. This is a self hosted instance on version 17.7.0 where Lets Encrypt was working but is now stuck on GitLab is obtaining a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for this domain. This process can take some time. Please try again later.
I am currently working with two subdomains. Subdomain1 was working and subdomain2 is a new entry. After verifying the domain the new subdomain was stuck on obtaining the cert. I removed subdomain1 and readded that with the expectation it would just work since it had done previously and this would help me confirm my Gitlab instance is working correctly. Both subdomains are stuck in the obtaining process and I have been prodding at this for a week now.
I have so far:
- Removed and readded
- Tried A records instead of CNAMES
- Added one subdomain and left that to run
- Run
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
- Run
gitlab-ctl renew-le-certs
- Restarted the whole instance
The pages sites require authentication against Gitlab - would this prevent Lets Encrypt working correctly or is pages setup to allow .well-known to by pass authentication?
Something is clearly not working correctly but there doesn’t appear to be any clear troubleshooting methods. Remove it and add it again is as good as turn it off and on again and I’m losing my patience at all the waiting whilst a black box process doesn’t do what I need it to do.
Is there a way to force the Lets Encrypt process in the foreground or a log file with something resembling a acme.sh process output in it so I can do some proper technical investigations?