In my pipeline I am struggling to apply the below logic:
Stage 1: 3 jobs that are manually triggered by user. Only one job is required to run and it is uncertain which job will run in stage 1.
Stage 2: After 1 job is run in stage 1, it should trigger another job in stage 2 to run automatically. I am unable to setup the above logic and the jobs in 2nd stage are always shown as blocked on pipeline.
Thanks. I am trying to work around this by inducing a variable in first stage/job which is also manual. I have added a global variable option like below but when it’s pushed, I can’t seem to see the defined variable as a user input on the manual job?
value: "32"
- "32"
- "64"
description: "32Bits or 64Bites build size. Defaults to 32Bits."
In your example, you also have it in the global context. However, the global context is before the job start. That’s why you don’t get a selection if you want to start the job manually.
This is not a solution, but a complete example of what you have sent:
value: “32”
- “32”
- “64”
description: “32Bits or 64Bites build size. Defaults to 32Bits.”
stage: build
when: manual
- echo hello $BITS
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == “web” # not a solution
I had a look to see if I could find a solution with the pass of dotenv. Unfortunately, I don’t see any option. I’m afraid the last and really only way here (as of 2024) is to go via the REST API.
This is roughly what it would look like if you go via the REST API. The disadvantage here is that Job3 can always be triggered even though Job1 and Job2 have not started.
Apart from your previous approach. I would suggest that you do it differently if the requirement allows it.
You only take out the jobs that are relevant. This means that the job in Test Stage does not have to wait for all jobs but only one.
The disadvantage here is that you always have a default case, which may not always be the best choice.