Pipeline is getting triggered on non-mentioned branch

Pipeline is getting triggered on branch which are not mentioned under “only”

I have a CI config file (like mentioned below), in that file I have only mentioned to run the pipeline on specific branch i.e., main, development and test. It is working as expected for all the users who has access to the repo with developer role; but only for specific user if they are pushing their code on any branch a failed pipeline is being generated. This uses also has the same developer role as others

  • I am using GitLab.com and the version is as below*
    • GitLab: 14.4.0-pre
    • Runner: 14.3.0-rc1

Here are few screenshot for the same


  - buildimg
  - gkedeploy

  _GCR_HOSTNAME: us.gcr.io
  _K8S_NAMESPACE: my-app

Build Docker Image:
  image: docker:stable
  stage: buildimg
  when: manual
  environment: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
      - development
      - test
      - main
    - docker:dind
    - docker --version
    - echo $_IMAGE_TAG
    - echo $GCR_MANAGER_KEY | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin https://$_GCR_HOSTNAME
    # Build and tag image for GCR
    - docker build -t $_IMAGE_TAG .
    # Push image to GCR
    - docker push $_IMAGE_TAG
    - docker logout

.prepare_step: &prepare_step
  - echo $_IMAGE_TAG
  # Replacing the Namespace token with correct value
  - sed -i "s#__K8S_NAMESPACE__#$_K8S_NAMESPACE#" ./k8s/namespace.yml

Deploy in Google Kubernetes Engine:
  image: google/cloud-sdk
  stage: gkedeploy
  when: manual
  environment: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
      - development
      - test
      - main
    - *prepare_step
    - echo $SERVICE_ACCOUNT > /tmp/$CI_PIPELINE_ID.json
    - gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file /tmp/$CI_PIPELINE_ID.json
    - gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
    - gcloud config set compute/zone $COMPUTE_ZONE
    - gcloud container clusters get-credentials $GKE_CLUSTER

    - kubectl apply -f ./k8s/namespace.yml
    - rm /tmp/$CI_PIPELINE_ID.json

It will be helpful for me if someone point out how to prevent it.