PostgreSQL 13 message but pg-upgrade doesn't upgrade

@xicubed thanks for that. Just ran that now on my test environment. As it happens, just found it here also:

for 13.7 it was possible using the additional -V parameter, and then in 13.8 providing the pre-requisites were met it automatically upgraded. I’m not using HA, Geo, and haven’t opted out, but these can be reasons for lack of upgrade ability for postgres:

The upgrade is skipped in any of the following cases:

  • You’re running the database in high availability using repmgr or patroni.
  • Your database nodes are part of GitLab Geo configuration.
  • You have specifically opted out.

will see how my test environment goes before I update production, or perhaps I’ll wait until a 14.1.x or 14.2 release does the automatic upgrade to 13.

After the upgrade I had to do gitlab-ctl restart since in the admin panel was still showing 12.6.