Prevent broadcasting messages and notifications to similar projectnames with target path


I would like to send out notifications to specific top-level groups including all of their subgroups and projects.

As stated in Broadcast messages | GitLab it is possible to use an asterisk as a wildcard to achieve that, which is exactly what I need: :+1:

:stop_sign: However… I cannot prevent showing the notification or banner for a group, which starts with exactly the same string:

What I tried:

Target Path = /name*
:file_folder: /name :white_check_mark:
:file_folder: /name/subgroup :white_check_mark:
:file_folder: /name/project :white_check_mark:

but shows also in :
:file_folder: /name2 :white_check_mark:
:file_folder: /name2/subgroup :white_check_mark:
:file_folder: /name3… etc :white_check_mark:

Target Path = /name
:file_folder: /name :white_check_mark:
:file_folder: /name/subgroup :x:
:file_folder: /name/project :x:

Target Path = /name/*
:file_folder: /name :x:
:file_folder: /name/subgroup :white_check_mark:
:file_folder: /name/project :white_check_mark:

What I need:

Target Path = \/name(\/.*)?
:file_folder: /name :white_check_mark:
:file_folder: /name/subgroup :white_check_mark:
:file_folder: /name/project :white_check_mark:

does not show in :
:file_folder: /name2 :x:
:file_folder: /name2/subgroup :x:
:file_folder: /name3… etc :x:

Just to make sure, I also tried entering the regex, but as the documentation only mentioned the asterisk I didn’t expect it to work and it didn’t ( \/name(\/.*)?

My question

Am I missing something here? Or would I have to resort to creating two different notifications to achieve what I want? (e.g. /name for only the top-level group and /name/* for all subgroups and projects).

Thank you for reading!