@iwalker unfortunately this does not work: Pipeline for new open source contributors does not run - #4 by certik
Essentially, the jobs do not get created, so my own runner has no job to pick up for new (unverified) contributors. The only thing that works is “external pipeline”, in our case powered by Appveyor for Windows.
At this point — is there any way to enable GitLab-CI, with our own runners on our own hardware, for new (unverified) contributors?
Update: I figured out a workaround. If you add the new contributor as a “Developer” to the parent project, then the “pipeline for merge request” will run using custom runners (Pipeline for new open source contributors does not run - #5 by certik). Still a question remains:
Is there a way to run a pipeline for a new contributor without giving them commit/merge rights (as a “Developer”)?