i have repository (90 commits) with CI on gitlab.com and using pages. files size about 370mb. i noticed that after last 10 commits repository storage size increased from small size to about 4+gb. i’ve deleted last pipelines, but storage size keeps the same. how can i decrease it? why it increasing so fast? i didn’t found any information about how i can do this.
no, i haven’t large files, but i found out that when CI runs, it creates artifacts for pages for around 300 megabytes, after that i delete pipeline with jobs (so all files should be removed, including artifacts). storage size increasing for that amount (300mb). then i decreased pages bundles to 60 megabytes. storage now increasing for 60 megabytes after each pipeline. maybe there is pages backups? i didn’t found anything how to clear this
Hi, I have similar problem. In pipeline I store some artifacts (node modules 300-400MB) with expiration time set to 1hr. After each build storage size of my repository grows by 300-400MB and never decrese. Now I have 1MB repository with 7GB storage used. My repository is also using pages, but page size is around 0.5MB.
Same here, we have ~1Gb artifacts with expliration time and after each build the repository grows between 100 and 600 Mb and we are up to 9.6Gb. We have two repos, the two with artifacts but one with pipeline cache and one without, so it’s definitely the artifacts.
please navigate into your project or group settings from the menu with Settings > Usage quotas. There you should see a tabbed view with CI minutes and storage. Select the storage tab and created a screenshot from the opened view.
In case the artifacts cause trouble here, I’d recommend looking into expire_in for job artifacts set no higher than 1 week. You can always re-trigger the build when needed.
In order to cleanup the old artifacts where this option is not applied for the already run jobs, please check the available scripts for doing bulk automation via the REST API.
in this case we need to investigate further on your account. Please go ahead and open a new support ticket where you can share the details about your repository and more sensitive details. Thanks!
I have exactly same problem. Deleted all pipelines. The documentation states that it should delete all artifacts too but according to quota in settings (it’s not happening). I have also set artifacts expiration to 2 hours. After each CI Pipeline the Storage value is going up but never down. I have no idea what else should I do.