Runners dont pick any job in my self hosted installation of gitlab

I have a fresh installation of gitlab selft hosted, currently I’m trying to install the runner and execute a basic demo execution… the file is this

# see for all available options
# you can delete this line if you're not using Docker
image: busybox:latest

    - demo
  stage: build
    - echo "Do your build here"

    - demo
  stage: test
    - echo "Do a test here"
    - echo "For example run a test suite"

    - demo
  stage: test
    - echo "Do another parallel test here"
    - echo "For example run a lint test"

    - demo
  stage: deploy
    - echo "Do your deploy here"

This is basically a simplification of the bash demo in the gitlab documentation… and also I have a runner with this configuration

concurrent = 1
check_interval = 0

  session_timeout = 1800

  name = "runner 1595933570"
  url = ""
  token = "tcCpnejHnNeEb8jE5txk"
  executor = "docker+machine"
    tls_verify = false
    image = "alpine:latest"
    privileged = false
    disable_entrypoint_overwrite = false
    oom_kill_disable = false
    disable_cache = false
    volumes = ["/cache"]
    shm_size = 0
    IdleCount = 0
    MachineDriver = ""
    MachineName = ""
    OffPeakTimezone = ""
    OffPeakIdleCount = 0
    OffPeakIdleTime = 0

But the jobs are never take it… never start… is like stuck, also if I execute the runner health-check, I got this

ubuntu@ip-10-0-10-185:~$ sudo gitlab-runner health-check
Runtime platform                                    arch=amd64 os=linux pid=14493 revision=efa30e33 version=13.2.1
FATAL: No HOST or PORT found

as additional info journalctl -u gitlab-runner

Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 systemd[1]: Started GitLab Runner.
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: Runtime platform                                    arch=amd64 os=linux pid=14032 revision=efa30e33 version=13.2.1
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: Starting multi-runner from /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml...  builds=0
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: Running in system-mode.
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: Starting multi-runner from /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml...  builds=0
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: Running in system-mode.
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]:
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]:
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: Configuration loaded                                builds=0
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: Configuration loaded                                builds=0
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: listen_address not defined, metrics & debug endpoints disabled  builds=0
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: [session_server].listen_address not defined, session endpoints disabled  builds=0
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: listen_address not defined, metrics & debug endpoints disabled  builds=0
Jul 28 10:52:38 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: [session_server].listen_address not defined, session endpoints disabled  builds=0
Jul 28 10:52:50 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: Configuration loaded                                builds=0
Jul 28 10:52:50 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: Configuration loaded                                builds=0
Jul 28 10:52:53 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: WARNING: Failed to process runner                   builds=0 error=failed to update executor: missing Machine options executor=docker+machine runner=tcCpnejH
Jul 28 10:52:53 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: WARNING: Failed to process runner                   builds=0 error=failed to update executor: missing Machine options executor=docker+machine runner=tcCpnejH
Jul 28 10:52:56 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: WARNING: Failed to process runner                   builds=0 error=failed to update executor: missing Machine options executor=docker+machine runner=tcCpnejH
Jul 28 10:52:56 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: WARNING: Failed to process runner                   builds=0 error=failed to update executor: missing Machine options executor=docker+machine runner=tcCpnejH
Jul 28 10:52:59 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: WARNING: Failed to process runner                   builds=0 error=failed to update executor: missing Machine options executor=docker+machine runner=tcCpnejH
Jul 28 10:52:59 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: WARNING: Failed to process runner                   builds=0 error=failed to update executor: missing Machine options executor=docker+machine runner=tcCpnejH
Jul 28 10:53:02 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: WARNING: Failed to process runner                   builds=0 error=failed to update executor: missing Machine options executor=docker+machine runner=tcCpnejH
Jul 28 10:53:02 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: WARNING: Failed to process runner                   builds=0 error=failed to update executor: missing Machine options executor=docker+machine runner=tcCpnejH
Jul 28 10:53:05 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: WARNING: Failed to process runner                   builds=0 error=failed to update executor: missing Machine options executor=docker+machine runner=tcCpnejH
Jul 28 10:53:05 ip-10-0-10-185 gitlab-runner[14032]: WARNING: Failed to process runner                   builds=0 error=failed to update executor: missing Machine options executor=docker+machine runner=tcCpnejH

gitlab-runner --version

ubuntu@ip-10-0-10-185:~$ sudo gitlab-runner -v
Version:      13.2.1
Git revision: efa30e33
Git branch:   13-2-stable
GO version:   go1.13.8
Built:        2020-07-22T09:46:02+0000
OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

Any idea what I should do?

Hi, have you successfully registered the runner?

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Thanks for jumping in to support, @alexk!

Hi! Was this solved? I have the exact same problem.

Hi @LucaIcaro, the same question: have you successfully registered the runner?

Hi @alexk, you are right, I configured it wrong.

Just to explain what I get wrong (maybe it can help other people looking for the same reason), I simply supposed that I could register a runner using --config <file.toml> , using a custom toml file, to configure it with the options I wanted. In reality, config.toml file must be changed after the registration, and the token field should be the runner token that gitlab provides to the runner after the registration, not the one that is needed to register the runner.
Now it works, and I will look into template files for runners instead.

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