SAST .NET warm up

I’d like to start using SAST analyzers. Unfortunately I have problems understand what’s going on in Go.

  1. I have repo with multiple SLN files, but I want to pick only one for SCS analyzer. I’ve found pathFilter, but have no idea how to configure it.
  2. Unable to build project using dotnet, attempting to build using nuget and msbuild - error covered by another Topic
  3. How to enable more verbose logging? set SECURE_LOG_LEVEL=trace does nothing

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction

Not a big pro myself, but what error do you get in 2.?

Regarding 1.: why not to delete all unnecessary stuff in before_script?

Sure, deleting part of the repo can solve it, preferably I would like to understand the analyzer configuration.

Point 2 is exact and the only message the analyzer outputs before gives up. Maybe missing NET 5.0, but no hint in message.

I will extend the docs for newbies like me if figured out.