Sergio Iván Galvis Motoa Intro @sigmotoa


The name in #gitlab is @sigmotoa.

Currently I’m in Colombia :colombia:

:mortar_board: Nowadays I’m in Catholic University of Colombia, like a teacher, researcher and coordinator of software engineer area in the Engineer Faculty for the Systems and Computing Program.

We’re using gitlab to teach Software development for web and mobile,

Always I’m trying to learn something new, this is my hobby.

:smiley: I’m too happy to be part of Gitlab in the education program.

I’ll use the nice forum for request help, and I’ll try to help the community.


@sigmotoa Welcome to the forums, glad to see you join us :beers:

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Hello Sergio, I am also at Catholic University, but in this case of Paraguay, as teacher as well, and just starting using GitLab education, it is always nice to read some fellow “sudamericano” around here :slight_smile:


Nice @omar_es.

Should contact to share experiences and many projects.


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