Show commands being executed

I’m trying to debug a gitlab CI configuration. Is there some flag I can add that will echo out the exact commands that gitlab is using to perform the CI job? All I’m getting right now is English statements like these:

Preparing environment
Running on runner-f8fcwhm3-project-30293-concurrent-0 via 444ec926fb26…
Getting source from Git repository
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50…
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/kjkeefe/test-builder/.git/
Created fresh repository.
Checking out 134fd05a as master…
Updating/initializing submodules recursively…

I want to see the git commands being used. I also have a bunch of before_script: commands that I want to see are being executed.

Never mind. None of my script commands were even executing and that’s why they were not being echoed in the log. I figured out the problem.