"Something went wrong while fetching comments. Please try again."

I am encountering a problem to see the comments for code reviewing on a merge request.
I can not see them, each time I refresh my browser page, the error message is displayed: “Something went wrong while fetching comments. Please try again.” I can not do my code review.

I hope someone can help me to find a solution to see them.

Best regards

Hey there,

Do you know what version of GitLab you are currently utilizing? The following command will output a lot of relevant information for your environment .

gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info

If you are running pre GitLab 11.2.x, then this is likely your issue. It looks like this was a prominent bug in 11.1.x, but has been since been resolved in releases post 11.2.x.

If the above isn’t the case, please tail your production log while replicating the issue, and then provide the output here, including the environment info previously mentioned.