Subscribe to RSS feed option limited to 20 items


I have question about the option “Subscribe to RSS feed”. Is it limited by default to 20 items? When I am clicking that button only 20 items are shown. At begginig I was thinking that it is connected with default limit of 20 issues per page, but when I increased number of issues visible on page and I was trying to generete again the feed still only 20 issues are showing. I know that I can see also another issues by modifying the url itself, but I wanted to ask if there is a possibility to see all issues after clicking that “Subscribe to RSS feed” button?

Hi @michalska.sylwia14 :wave: Welcome to the GitLab Community Forum!

As far as I know, there’s no way to fetch >20 items from an RSS feed. If you add the RSS feed to a feed reader, it’ll initially fetch the 20 latest items and then continually update after that, so using an RSS feed reader might be a good option if you want to create an archive of items moving forward.

For comprehensive historic data (like issues), you’d be better off using the API so you fetch >20 items and use pagination. For example, to fetch all open issues from the gitlab-org/gitlab project, you could use the following command (which uses glab CLI to handle pagination)

glab api --paginate projects/278964/issues?per_page=100
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