I’ve managed to start the job I want, but it fails immediately
Steps I’ve followed:
- Created an access token for the project and placed it in my script.
- curl --insecure -X POST --header “PRIVATE-TOKEN: $PROJECT_ACCESS_TOKEN” “https://gitlab.tld/api/v4/projects/$PROJECT_ID/pipeline?ref=$BRANCH” - this successfully triggers the pipeline as the <token_name> user. All jobs within the pipeline are set to when: manual.
- curl --insecure --header “PRIVATE-TOKEN: $PROJECT_ACCESS_TOKEN” “https://gitlab.tld/api/v4/projects/$PROJECT_ID/pipelines/$PIPELINE_ID/jobs” - this gets the list of jobs that I then use to extract the specific ID of the job.
- curl --insecure -X POST --header “PRIVATE-TOKEN: $DEPLOY_TOKEN” https://gitlab.tld/api/v4/projects/$PROJECT_ID/jobs/$JOB_ID/play - this successfully launches the desired job.
After the job is launched, it almost immediately fails with the following:
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/groupname/projectname/.git/
remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://gitlab.tld/groupname/projectname.git/'
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
- What version are you on? Are you using self-managed or GitLab.com?
- GitLab Community Edition 13.3.5
- Runner (Hint:
): 13.3.1
Things I’ve tried:
- Generating a token with api only permissions
- Generating a token with api and repo read/write permissions
- Generating a token with all the permissions
- Generating an impersonation token
- Tailing logs on the runner itself while launched as gitlab-runner --debug run - did not prove to be useful
- Retrying the job via GUI - that then changes the “owner” to me and the jobs goes on to succeed.
One more point to make - this is an otherwise fully functional pipeline - all the steps are set to manual and it’s been tested multiple times. This smells like some sort of internal access token user’s permission issue that I cannot pint point.