Unable to push or pull or clone gitlab repo

Hello Team,

   Recently we faced cloning repo, push/pull code from repo with below error.

cloning into “”…
WARNING: Your password has expired.
Password change requried but no TTY available
fatal Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

We observed that security team changed password policy for each user in servers. Due to that user id git had failed attempts whenever there is push/pull repo.

We found one link which was explained to remove git user password. ( git - GitLab - Does not accept pushes via SSH [asks for SSH password], works with HTTP? - Server Fault "

we removed only by running command " ```
sudo passwd -d git

After that pull /push / clone repo worked. 

Please let me know what will be the effect if we remove password for user git. We never set any password for this user. Due to policy change in server we removed the password for user id git. Will it cause any issue in future? If we upgrade the current version to some other version, will it cause any problem?


Hi @prashantha, it would be best if you could open an issue with all details about it over at https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/.