Update from 15 to 16 with PG14

Hi. 15.11.13 GitLab (Helm chart installation), PG 14.
We have a problem when upgrading from version 15 to 16:

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: execution error at (gitlab/templates/NOTES.txt:206:3):
PostgreSQL 12 and earlier are not supported in GitLab 16. The minimum required version is PostgreSQL 13.

Is it possible to disable this check?


I found that the check is done here:

and I have this section in my values.yaml:

  enabled: false
  postgresqlUsername: gitlab
  # This just needs to be set. It will use a second entry in existingSecret for postgresql-postgres-password
  postgresqlPostgresPassword: bogus
  install: false
  postgresqlDatabase: gitlabhq-dev
    tag: 12.7.0

so, I changed the tag to 14.1.0 and everything is ok. Despite the fact that we use an external postgres and

install: false

the check is performed by the tag. This is weird. But thanks anyway!

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