Upgrading of Gitlab CE from 7.x to 8.x ( if Gitlab installation is from Source)

I had installed Gitlab CE 7.10.5 from “Source” not omnibus type. I want to upgrade Gitlab CE from 7.10.5 to 8.15.4. Do i need follow each upgrade steps as below? Is there any way to reduce the below steps to upgrade my Gitlab CE 7.10.5 to 8.15.4?
Gitlab 7.10 to Gitlab 7.11
Gitlab 7.11 to Gitlab 7.12
Gitlab 7.12 to Gitlab 7.13
Gitlab 7.13 to Gitlab 7.14
Gitlab 7.14 to Gitlab 8.0
Gitlab 8.0 to Gitlab 8.1
Gitlab 8.1 to Gitlab 8.2
Gitlab 8.2 to Gitlab 8.3
Gitlab 8.3 to Gitlab 8.4
Gitlab 8.4 to Gitlab 8.5
Gitlab 8.5 to Gitlab 8.6
Gitlab 8.6 to Gitlab 8.7
Gitlab 8.7 to Gitlab 8.8
Gitlab 8.8 to Gitlab 8.9
Gitlab 8.9 to Gitlab 8.10.
Gitlab 8.10 to Gitlab 8.11
Gitlab 8.11 to Gitlab 8.12
Gitlab 8.12 to Gitlab 8.13
Gitlab 8.13 to Gitlab 8.14
Gitlab 8.14 to Gitlab 8.15.4
Could you suggest me the steps to reduce the upgrade steps for Gitlab CE(if Gitlab installation is from source)?

If I were you, I would create a backup and just reinstall the GitLab instance. You can then restore your data in the new instance. I have only used the source install versions, and this strategy has worked for me in the past, though I have never made a jump quite as large as you are going to attempt here. My biggest concern is how different the new database schema is than the one you’re going to back up.

Thanks allenh1 for your response. Can you be more specific on which version you reinstall to restore the backup.
Need some inputs or best way to upgrade from 7.10.5 to latest version of gitlab. Our current setup is using package source and posgress db.