I use GitLab CE V 16.3.0 for self-hosting.
I develop in C# under Visual Studio and I always compile my programs locally before delivering them for deployment.
I wanted to know if it was possible to upload a ZIP (Artefact) file to GitLab for a release without using CI/CD (in fact without doing a build in GitLab - juste upload à ZIP).
Clearly, I would just like to upload my generated Zip file to my developer workstation in order to make it available to the person in charge of deployment.
I would therefore like to use GitLab as a binary repository manager (a bit like Nexus)
Hi @babe59
you can read about it in GitLab Generic Packages Repository | GitLab
Thanks Balonik.
I managed to create a generic package. Then I created a release with the URL of my package (ex: https://git01/api/v4/projects/84/packages/generic/my_package/0.0.1/a3.txt)
When I view my release, I have a link to download my package file (‘a3.txt’ file). When I click on the link I cans download the file. Great
On the other hand, if I ask another GitLab user (owner) to download the file via the release link, an authentication window opens and no identifier is accepted…
It’s exactly the same behavior if we try the link ‘https://git01/api/v4/projects/84/packages/generic/my_package/0.0.1/a3.txt’ in the web browser.
On the other hand, this other user can download the ‘a3.txt’ file via the Deploy>Package Registry menu without any problem.
is there a right to put somewhere ?