I am trying to create a MR for fixing this GitLab bug: Job dependency fail with error about expired artifacts when artifacts are expired and locked (#293554) · Issues · GitLab.org / GitLab · GitLab. The bug is “Job dependency fail with error about expired artifacts when artifacts are expired and locked”. I have the code updated and it fixes the issue. I also updated some of the unit tests and added others, but some are still failing. I am not a Ruby developer and do not have experience with RSpec, so it’s been trial by fire trying to figure out the right way to fix the tests.
I created a sample MR (Draft: Fix expired artifacts causing dependency failures on locked pipelines (!1) · Merge requests · Keith Richardson / GitLab · GitLab) into my own forked repo in order to get the tests to run, so you can see the failed tests on the merge request pipeline (https://gitlab.com/Richardsonke/gitlab/-/pipelines/348107953).
@gitlab-greg I talked to you about this at GitLab Commit, if you are able to help.