Wrong "xxx commits behind/ahead" information displayed in forked branches

wrong “xxx commits behind/ahead” information displayed in forked branches


I created a fork from an upstream repository containing 2 branches: the main branch and a dev branch.
I would expect Gitlab to compare the forked main branch with the upstream main branch, and the forked dev branch with upstream dev branch in order to display the “xxx commits behind/ahead” branch information on the forked repo.
But Gitlab compares the forked dev branch with the upstream main branch, so the displayed information for the dev branch are totally irrelevant and even misleading…

Is there a way to fix that or is it a gitlab related issue ? We are using Gitlab 16.1.5, thanks !



after digging a bit more into this pinned topic: Refreshing a Fork - #2 by dnsmichi
I understand that these new features (How far is your fork behind/ahead of the upstream project (#14491) · Issues · GitLab.org / GitLab · GitLab and Fetch new upstream contents when fork is behind (#330243) · Issues · GitLab.org / GitLab · GitLab) only work with the main branch from the upstream repo and not other branches :smiling_face_with_tear: