Able to install packages without authentication from GitLab package registry

  • Self-managed GitLab version 15.11.13

In our self-managed GitLab instance, we have a group with various projects. In one of the projects, I have pushed a python package in its package registry. I then copy the command "pip install … " from the python package page and use it to install the package in another machine. The issue is that I have not defined any .pypirc file; so there is not access token in the machine, and still I am able to install the python package.

How can I enforce the endpoint to first authenticate with GitLab before proceeding to install the python package?

Current 17.x releases require authentication for Pypi packages in the registry. Not sure if 15.x supported that behavior, but I recommend upgrading to supported 17.3+.

Hi @dnsmichi,

In this page (installing pypi packages), it specifically states to use a token, but I am still able to install a package without a token. Does it mean that I am following some incorrect process, or the information on the page is incorrect?

Maybe a bug or security problem in 15.11.