I’ve recently started with GitLab and setup the following tasks in my gitlab-ci.yml:
task build
task deploy_test
task deploy_production
Now my task build creates an artifact(jar) which I can download from the UI but I want to access this artifact in my deploy_test and deploy_production. In https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/README.html#dependencies I read that artifacts are automatically available in the next job if that job depends the job creating the artifact. But how do I access it? I want to grab this artifact and use it in my deploying task.
The artifacts are extracted in the working directory of the runner, which is also where your Git repository is checked out. So you don’t have to look for a special build directory, or an artifacts.zip archive, it’s just right there in front of you.
And you only specify build/ in the artifacts (of this first job), then your artifacts.zip will contain this:
And for the next job you will start with this structure:
Which is your Git repository, with the artifacts.zip unzipped in it.
It selects all artifacts from jobs from previous stages, unless you define dependencies, then you can select from which jobs you want to re-use the artifacts. You can use this to skip downloading artifacts you don’t need, or to make jobs in the same stage sequential (otherwise they might run in parallel).
Hey, I recently started working with GitLab and I have already created a project. In my project, I’m executing TestNG automation and generating artifacts. As @falko2010 mentioned I also want to access my testNG-results file in deploy stage and read data from that file. How Can I read the file from there? And, In deploy job’s log, I can see “Downloading artifacts for test:run (566998574)…” But How do I access the results file which downloaded from previous stage?