I can’t figure out how Gitlab deals with artifacts between different pipelines. I am trying to set up a pipeline in which commits lead to builds and tests, after which a deployment can be triggered by a pipeline trigger.
I have a single project with a .gitlab-ci.yml file, in which I have defined 3 stages [in pseudo-yaml]:
- build
- test
- deploy
My build stage packages some python code, sql files, and config files in a dir, and stores it in an artifact.
stage: build
- mkdir target
- python setup.py [foo] --dist_dir=target
- cp -r sqlscripts target
- cp -r configfiles target
name: "build"
- target
The test stage tests the code but doesn’t do anything special with the artifact. The build and test stage always run for commits on a branch.
Next I have the deploy stage. This stage does not run on commits, but on triggers only.
stage: deploy
- build
# Deploy to the unit.
- deploy.sh
- triggers
The problems
- I get two different pipelines. I wouldn’t expect this based on my ‘stages’ definition.
- I cannot find the build artifact. I think this is because I have two different pipelines. How do I get the artifact available in the deploy job?
My attempts
In order to get the build artifact, I have tried using the artifact API, adding the following lines to the deploy script entry:
- 'curl --location --output artifacts.zip "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/my-id/jobs/artifacts/my-ref/download?job=build&job_token=$CI_JOB_TOKEN"' - 'unzip artifacts.zip'
Unfortunately, this artifacts.zip file is not a zip file. Instead, curl gives a 404: project not found error. Is the CI_JOB_TOKEN only valid for Gitlab Premium?
My question
How do I use the artifact from the build stage in my triggered deploy stage?