Hey all, we use the GitLab API and wondering if anyone else experienced this/could shed some light on what happened. It seemed like all of our users that integrated with GitLab suddenly had their tokens invalidated for no apparent reason:
401 {error: invalid_token}, {error_description: Token is expired. You can either do re-authorization or token refresh.}
Anyone else have this happen or know what is going on? I don’t think we have mandatory token refresh enabled (but verifying that).
It’s very likely that you’re experiencing this because of a change that went into effect recently from GitLab 15.0: GitLab.com is moving to 15.0 with a few breaking changes | GitLab
Tokens now automatically are set to expire after 2 hours, so you’ll need to implement token refresh.
Can I confirm that this means that project access tokens expire after 2 hours also?
It’s difficult to tell from the documentation what kind of tokens are being changed - project? user? is there another kind used for “integrations”? or just "applications?
To anoyone coming at this from google, this post almost gave me a heart attack as it’s the first hit on this error message.
You can still create tokens with a 12 month expiration. You don’t have to log into gitlab every 2 hours!