Android instrumented tests emulator run fail

Hello. I`m trying to create my own .gitlab-ci.yml config for android, because default template totally useless for instrumented test with latest android sdk versions.

Config url

But I faced an error:
PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT

Android documentation says that the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT should point to android sdk installation path. My path is android-sdk-linux

I can`t realize what is wrong.

- export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=$PWD/android-sdk-linux -> not works.

How to fix this issue? Or maybe where I can find a working solution for instrumented tests?

My fail. Forgot to install paltform-tools

Latest working version. Maybe somebody need.

We have also been working with NSYS for over a year now. Its pretty easy and fast to test devices with their software