I currently try to build a GitLab CI script for Android development.
It runs on shared runners currently, planning on registering a runner I use for a private GitLab atm as well. Build’s and unit tests’ jobs pass.
It already runs the tests and saves artifacts as I expect it to, but currently, the instrumental tests’ job fails, even though the artifacts say it passed, while executing every command without a failing one. Anyone know why? I don’t have any idea what is happening there. See below for my .gitlab-ci.yml and job console output.
End of Job console output (full output below)
49 actionable tasks: 49 executed
$ adb -s testAVD emu kill
Uploading artifacts...
android/app/build/reports/androidTests/: found 10 matching files
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=65765493 responseStatus=201 Created token=xS4FJgBh
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
.gitlab-ci.yml - about 115 lines
Full job console outpout - about 2400 lines
Edit: link to instrumental test result broken