Hi there
Does anyone know if it’s possible to setup auto user provisioning using azure AD and self hosted gitlab? i’m struggling, one of the issues is getting callback url to work on gitlab, also can’t get tenant id. Documentation seems to suggest it works on saas, but not on self hosted? Has anyone done it?
Thank you
Are you following this documentation? Use Microsoft Azure as an OAuth 2.0 authentication provider | GitLab
If something else, please provide links and more info.
Hi, thank you for getting back to me
Yes I followed this documentation, and others I found on gitlab. Signing in with azure ad works, it’s the provisioning bit that I can’t get to work. Instructions are all for saas.
The solution is to connect gitlab self hosted to ldap, this will sync the users, then use saml / sso
Unless someone found another way to provision users on self hosted using azure
I have no idea which provisioning instructions you are following because I cannot find it. Please share the link to the documentation you have been looking at.
I looked at these
Thank you
Did you try this one for self-managed installs? SAML SSO for self-managed GitLab instances | GitLab
This one seems to suggest available for free users.
Yes been on this page and have tried, it doesn’t provision users
You can refer this documentation Use OpenID Connect as an OAuth 2.0 authentication provider | GitLab