When I try to create an archive copy using the task runner (kubectl exec -it backup-utility ), I get the following error:
2020-08-13 15:25:36 +0000 – done
Bucket not found: registry. Skipping backup of registry …
Bucket not found: gitlab-uploads. Skipping backup of uploads …
Bucket not found: gitlab-artifacts. Skipping backup of artifacts …
Bucket not found: git-lfs. Skipping backup of lfs …
Bucket not found: gitlab-packages. Skipping backup of packages …
Bucket not found: gitlab-mr-diffs. Skipping backup of external_diffs …
Bucket not found: gitlab-terraform-state. Skipping backup of terraform_state …
Packing up backup tar
WARNING: Module python-magic is not available. Guessing MIME types based on file extensions.
ERROR: SSL certificate verification failure: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1056)
command terminated with exit code 77
I still get an error when trying to upload a backup to the storage (when gitlab-task-runner cron jobs running)
Packing up backup tar
WARNING: Module python-magic is not available. Guessing MIME types based on file extensions.
ERROR: SSL certificate verification failure: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1056)