C shell script in gitlab-ci.yml

I want to save csv files that I download from a server in a GitLab repo. The data is updated weekly. I would like to write a c shell script, which should be executed using .gitlab-ci.yml.

It should be checked, which file has already been downloaded and only the missing csv files should download.

How can I write an array in c shell? I have data for many years 2000, 2001, 2002 … 2018

set Year=[2000, 2001, 2002]
set Week=[1..53]

The if loops are not correct. Which loop is better or what I do made wrong?

How can I check if the contents of a csv file are damaged? is

gzip -t $Year/$Week.csv.zip the right choice?

How is the commit message updated?

- git commit -m 'Add "$Symbol"-"$Year"-"$Week".csv.zip'

Here is the .gitlab-ci.yml:

image: alpine:latest

  - apk update
  - apk upgrade
  - apk add git zip

  # Identification
  - git remote set-url origin https://$GIT_CI_USER:$GIT_CI_PASS@gitlab.com/$CI_PROJECT_PATH.git
  - git config --global user.email "user.email@example.com"
  - git config --global user.name "Max"
    - URL="https://stars.example.com"
    - Symbol="alpha"
    - Year="2015"
    - Week="3"
    # Check if Directory Year exists
    - (if [ -d $Year ]; then echo $Year found; else mkdir $Year; fi);
    # Download the cvs files
    - (if [ -s $Year/$Symbol-$Year-$Week.csv.zip ]; then echo $Symbol-$Year-$Week.csv.zip found; else wget -c $URL/$Symbol/$Year/$Week.csv.gz -P $Year; fi);
    # Test the validity of a compressed File
    - gzip -t $Year/$Week.csv.gz && echo The file is okay || echo The file is corrupted
    # Extract the cvs file
    - gunzip $Year/$Week.csv.gz
    # Compress csv file to Stars-Year-Week.csv.zip
    - zip $Year/$Symbol-$Year-$Week.csv.zip $Year/$Week.csv
    # Delete .csv file
    - rm $Year/$Week.csv
    # Push to gitlab
    - git checkout master
    - git add .
    - git commit -m 'Add "$Symbol"-"$Year"-"$Week".csv.zip'
    - git push origin master

Hi Aaron,

I assume you are using the Shell executor. It runs Bash, rather than c-shell… If you insist on running c-shell, put your whole script into a file and start it with


as the first line.