Cannot install Gitlab Runner via Kubernetes Cluster

I’m having an error trying to install Gitlab Runner on a Kubernetes Cluster added to a project.

This is the first attempt to integrate my Gitlab 11.5 instance to a private Kubernetes Cluster (1.14.1 w/RBAC). Helm Tiller was installed correctly via GitLab’s UI and I can see the gitlab-managed-apps created and the tiller deploy running pod.

The problem is when I try to install Gitlab Runner via the same UI, after a few seconds it shows me the error:

Something went wrong while installing GitLab Runner
* Installation failed

The tiller log says:

[tiller] 2019/06/06 16:02:31 preparing install for runner
[storage] 2019/06/06 16:02:31 getting release history for "runner"
[tiller] 2019/06/06 16:02:31 rendering gitlab-runner chart using values
[tiller] 2019/06/06 16:02:31 failed install prepare step: error validating "": error validating data: the server could not find the requested resource

I’ve tried many things, the gitlab and tiller service accounts has cluster-admin binding, I’m using gitlab-admin service account token to configure the kubernetes integration.

Please guys give me a hand.

Ok, after upgrade to version 11.6, the Gitlab Runner installer runs fine.

I have the same problem. I want to install gitlab runner on the K8s cluster created in the Google Cloud Platform. Connecting GitLab with the cluster was successful as well as installing Helm via GitLab GUI. However while trying to install gitlab-runner on that cluster, I’m receving an error in the GUI:

Something went wrong while installing GitLab Runner

  • “runner” has been added to your repositories Error: error validating “”: error validating data: the server could not find the requested resource

From the Tiller logs:

[tiller] 2020/06/26 08:44:24 preparing install for runner
[storage] 2020/06/26 08:44:24 getting release history for “runner”
[tiller] 2020/06/26 08:44:24 rendering gitlab-runner chart using values
2020/06/26 08:44:24 info: manifest “gitlab-runner/templates/service-account.yaml” is empty. Skipping.
2020/06/26 08:44:24 info: manifest “gitlab-runner/templates/role.yaml” is empty. Skipping.
2020/06/26 08:44:24 info: manifest “gitlab-runner/templates/role-binding.yaml” is empty. Skipping.
[tiller] 2020/06/26 08:44:24 failed install prepare step: error validating “”: error validating data: the server could not find the requested resource

Kubernetes version: 1.16.9-gke.6
GitLab Enterprise Edition 11.2.3-ee

Please advise!

thank you!