I’m using the company plan GitLab. It’s a custom domain.
ex) gitlab.org.com
I created a specific repository within a specific group and named it xxx.gitlab.io .
I have index.html inside the public folder, and I just want to open gitlab pages.
However, there are no Pages settings under Settings, and I was informed that the Pages settings were moved under Deploy.
There are only Releases, Feature flags, and Package Registry under Deploy.
The repository you created after you logged in to gitlab.com had a Pages Settings menu under Deploy.
Is this because I’m not the owner of the company GitLab and I can’t open the pages settings?
I am not the owner of the company GitLab, but I am the owner of the group that the xxx.gitlab.io repository belongs to, and I am the owner of that repository.
How can I open the GitLab Pages settings?
I tried adding /new/pages, /-/pages, /pages to url after repository, but it doesn’t work at all.
Please help me.
(Translation may not be smooth. Thank you for your understanding.)