Can't override default code climate template


I’m trying to set up custom Java code quality (using code climate) on my self-hosted GitLab 15.3.3 version. GitLab runner version is 15.3.0. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work and as I see customized .codeclimate.yml is not being picked up. I followed the default GitLab documentation on code quality and this repository as a reference.

Java code should be searched in /src/main

Here is my .gitlab-ci.yml:

image: openjdk:17-oracle

  - test

  FROM_IMAGE: "openjdk:17-oracle"

  - template: Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml

  stage: test
    - "./mvnw -B clean verify"

  stage: test
    expose_as: 'Code Quality Report'
    paths: [gl-code-quality-report.json]

Here is my .codeclimate.yml in repository root directory:

version: "2"
    enabled: true

Here is log of codequality job:

Running with gitlab-runner 15.3.0 (bbcb5aba)
  on shared-1 weCBHFAU
Preparing the "docker" executor
Using Docker executor with image docker:20.10.12 ...
Starting service docker:20.10.12-dind ...
Pulling docker image docker:20.10.12-dind ...
Using docker image sha256:1a42336ff683d7dadd320ea6fe9d93a5b101474346302d23f96c9b4546cb414d for docker:20.10.12-dind with digest docker@sha256:6f2ae4a5fd85ccf85cdd829057a34ace894d25d544e5e4d9f2e7109297fedf8d ...
Waiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)...
*** WARNING: Service runner-wecbhfau-project-59-concurrent-0-ce5fa1ccc81fa138-docker-0 probably didn't start properly.
Health check error:
start service container: Error response from daemon: Cannot link to a non running container: /runner-wecbhfau-project-59-concurrent-0-ce5fa1ccc81fa138-docker-0 AS /runner-wecbhfau-project-59-concurrent-0-ce5fa1ccc81fa138-docker-0-wait-for-service/service (docker.go:1177:0s)
Service container logs:
2022-09-19T16:37:10.028416597Z ip: can't find device 'ip_tables'
2022-09-19T16:37:10.030243288Z ip_tables              27126  2 iptable_filter,iptable_nat
2022-09-19T16:37:10.033023006Z modprobe: can't change directory to '/lib/modules': No such file or directory
2022-09-19T16:37:10.040597166Z mount: permission denied (are you root?)
2022-09-19T16:37:10.040696914Z Could not mount /sys/kernel/security.
2022-09-19T16:37:10.040703349Z AppArmor detection and --privileged mode might break.
2022-09-19T16:37:10.042652038Z mount: permission denied (are you root?)
Pulling docker image docker:20.10.12 ...
Using docker image sha256:15a9bc7c6340df2ac9d6c8196ca1d905180ddf2ca8b29a8d98f5422e2e5ccf85 for docker:20.10.12 with digest docker@sha256:a729cce205a05b0b86dc8dca87823efaffc3f74979fe7dc86a707c2fbf631b61 ...
Preparing environment
Running on runner-wecbhfau-project-59-concurrent-0 via XXX...
Getting source from Git repository
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/XXX/YY/.git/
Checking out 364d5837 as fix/make-pmd-plugin-work-with-gitlab...
Skipping Git submodules setup
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
Using docker image sha256:15a9bc7c6340df2ac9d6c8196ca1d905180ddf2ca8b29a8d98f5422e2e5ccf85 for docker:20.10.12 with digest docker@sha256:a729cce205a05b0b86dc8dca87823efaffc3f74979fe7dc86a707c2fbf631b61 ...
$ if ! docker info &>/dev/null; then # collapsed multi-line command
$ function propagate_env_vars() { # collapsed multi-line command
$ docker pull --quiet "$CODE_QUALITY_IMAGE"
$ docker run --rm \ # collapsed multi-line command
WARNING: A new version (v0.87.0) is available. Upgrade instructions are available at:
WARNING: A new version (v0.87.0) is available. Upgrade instructions are available at:
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:35.389476 #1]  INFO -- : starting engine structure
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:35.394309 #1] DEBUG -- : /config.json content: {"enabled"=>true, "channel"=>"stable", "include_paths"=>[".codeclimate.yml", ".rubocop.yml", "coffeelint.json", ".eslintrc.yml", ".eslintignore", ".csslintrc", "gl-code-quality-report.json"], "debug"=>"1"}
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:35.405213 #1] DEBUG -- : docker run: ["docker", "run", "--name", "cc-engines-structure-stable-354a3173-3c3c-474e-8eb1-a5e8e44250e7", "--cap-drop", "all", "--label", "com.codeclimate.label=876daaeb-55af-4234-be30-791a2dd83f1d", "--log-driver", "none", "--memory-swap", "-1", "--net", "none", "--rm", "--volume", "/builds/XXX/YYY:/code:ro", "--volume", "/tmp/cc/adbe6991-fed0-429e-8173-f8fca3be1234:/config.json:ro", "--user", "9000:9000", "--memory", "1024000000", "codeclimate/codeclimate-structure"]
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:36.018441 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: 13
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:36.018628 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: Parser process id: 13
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:36.018895 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: codeclimate-parser socket not present
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:36.018967 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: waiting 1s...
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:37.962539 #1]  INFO -- : finished engine structure
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:37.962689 #1]  INFO -- : starting engine duplication
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:37.962819 #1] DEBUG -- : /config.json content: {"enabled"=>true, "config"=>{"languages"=>["ruby", "javascript", "python", "php"]}, "channel"=>"stable", "include_paths"=>[".codeclimate.yml", ".rubocop.yml", "coffeelint.json", ".eslintrc.yml", ".eslintignore", ".csslintrc", "gl-code-quality-report.json"], "debug"=>"1"}
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:37.963266 #1] DEBUG -- : docker run: ["docker", "run", "--name", "cc-engines-duplication-stable-958496de-a988-4b0f-ad18-1cfb04d8b4e4", "--cap-drop", "all", "--label", "com.codeclimate.label=0e1bf850-8428-4e67-b40b-b03ea5864802", "--log-driver", "none", "--memory-swap", "-1", "--net", "none", "--rm", "--volume", "/builds/XXX/YYY:/code:ro", "--volume", "/tmp/cc/ed510530-8ed2-4a41-beb5-3745c0f41fb5:/config.json:ro", "--user", "9000:9000", "--memory", "1024000000", "codeclimate/codeclimate-duplication"]
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:38.598619 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: 11
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:38.598750 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: Parser process id: 11
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:38.598772 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: codeclimate-parser socket not present
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:38.598792 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: waiting 1s...
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.400590 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.397079 #1] DEBUG -- : Processing 0 ruby files concurrency=2
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.401113 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.400560 #1] DEBUG -- : Processed 0 ruby files
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.401236 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.400831 #1] DEBUG -- : Reported 0 violations...
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.401391 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.401045 #1] DEBUG -- : Processing 0 javascript files concurrency=2
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.402186 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.401986 #1] DEBUG -- : Processed 0 javascript files
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.403030 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.402834 #1] DEBUG -- : Reported 0 violations...
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.403179 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.402990 #1] DEBUG -- : Processing 0 python files concurrency=2
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.403748 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.403574 #1] DEBUG -- : Processed 0 python files
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.403785 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.403645 #1] DEBUG -- : Reported 0 violations...
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.404007 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.403764 #1] DEBUG -- : Processing 0 php files concurrency=2
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.404512 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.404296 #1] DEBUG -- : Processed 0 php files
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.405121 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: D, [2022-09-19T16:37:40.404970 #1] DEBUG -- : Reported 0 violations...
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:41.260562 #1]  INFO -- : finished engine duplication
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:41.260715 #1]  INFO -- : starting engine csslint
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:41.261401 #1] DEBUG -- : /config.json content: {"enabled"=>true, "channel"=>"stable", "include_paths"=>[".codeclimate.yml", ".rubocop.yml", "coffeelint.json", ".eslintrc.yml", ".eslintignore", ".csslintrc", "gl-code-quality-report.json"], "debug"=>"1"}
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:41.262124 #1] DEBUG -- : docker run: ["docker", "run", "--name", "cc-engines-csslint-stable-4c169330-09d4-4f45-a92b-3f9faee9e01e", "--cap-drop", "all", "--label", "com.codeclimate.label=6b0c1457-c4cf-46d3-b4b2-e0274379c825", "--log-driver", "none", "--memory-swap", "-1", "--net", "none", "--rm", "--volume", "/builds/XXX/YYY:/code:ro", "--volume", "/tmp/cc/451b3185-5f07-4ec9-a0b7-8ee25b09ec0d:/config.json:ro", "--user", "9000:9000", "--memory", "1024000000", "codeclimate/codeclimate-csslint"]
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:42.707989 #1]  INFO -- : finished engine csslint
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:42.708164 #1]  INFO -- : starting engine coffeelint
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:42.708332 #1] DEBUG -- : /config.json content: {"enabled"=>true, "channel"=>"stable", "include_paths"=>[".codeclimate.yml", ".rubocop.yml", "coffeelint.json", ".eslintrc.yml", ".eslintignore", ".csslintrc", "gl-code-quality-report.json"], "debug"=>"1"}
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:42.708845 #1] DEBUG -- : docker run: ["docker", "run", "--name", "cc-engines-coffeelint-stable-96ef94a3-6228-4564-b15e-267fae2f6069", "--cap-drop", "all", "--label", "com.codeclimate.label=a6706d11-d797-4adf-9b3a-0245a81a9465", "--log-driver", "none", "--memory-swap", "-1", "--net", "none", "--rm", "--volume", "/builds/XXX/YYY:/code:ro", "--volume", "/tmp/cc/f9bc4bac-a131-4b97-bf6c-9e91ed8b8387:/config.json:ro", "--user", "9000:9000", "--memory", "1024000000", "codeclimate/codeclimate-coffeelint"]
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:44.000597 #1]  INFO -- : finished engine coffeelint
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:44.000739 #1]  INFO -- : starting engine eslint
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:44.000853 #1] DEBUG -- : /config.json content: {"enabled"=>true, "channel"=>"stable", "include_paths"=>[".codeclimate.yml", ".rubocop.yml", "coffeelint.json", ".eslintrc.yml", ".eslintignore", ".csslintrc", "gl-code-quality-report.json"], "debug"=>"1"}
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:44.008054 #1] DEBUG -- : docker run: ["docker", "run", "--name", "cc-engines-eslint-stable-dde49019-3845-4aff-8e21-6e0666d7e5f3", "--cap-drop", "all", "--label", "com.codeclimate.label=3fb79ae6-5730-4db0-b7d6-1dda73452535", "--log-driver", "none", "--memory-swap", "-1", "--net", "none", "--rm", "--volume", "/builds/XXX/YYY:/code:ro", "--volume", "/tmp/cc/77095119-48c3-415a-9a76-b9f4acea3c6c:/config.json:ro", "--user", "9000:9000", "--memory", "1024000000", "codeclimate/codeclimate-eslint"]
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.136382 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: ESLint is running with the default parser.
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.137001 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: 
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.138107 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'cd' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.138279 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.138877 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'pwd' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.139065 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'ls' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.139699 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'find' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.139874 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'cp' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.140277 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'rm' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.140858 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'mv' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.141015 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'mkdir' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.141390 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'test' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.141830 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'cat' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.142089 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'head' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.142428 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'tail' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.142593 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'to' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.143050 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'toEnd' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.143201 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'sed' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.143596 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'sort' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.143906 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'uniq' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.144164 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'grep' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.144536 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'which' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.144828 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'echo' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.145074 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'dirs' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.145514 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'pushd' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.145642 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'popd' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.145969 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'ln' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.146240 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'tempdir' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.146624 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'exec' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.146888 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'chmod' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.147241 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'touch' of module exports inside circular dependency
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.147564 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (node:9) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'set' of module exports inside circular dependency
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.709025 #1]  INFO -- : finished engine eslint
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.709185 #1]  INFO -- : starting engine fixme
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.709380 #1] DEBUG -- : /config.json content: {"enabled"=>true, "channel"=>"stable", "include_paths"=>[".codeclimate.yml", ".rubocop.yml", "coffeelint.json", ".eslintrc.yml", ".eslintignore", ".csslintrc", "gl-code-quality-report.json"], "debug"=>"1"}
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:45.709825 #1] DEBUG -- : docker run: ["docker", "run", "--name", "cc-engines-fixme-stable-49238804-be57-4d67-8c56-85f8fd5ba1d1", "--cap-drop", "all", "--label", "com.codeclimate.label=690da371-66ce-430a-9087-96652f7c21d6", "--log-driver", "none", "--memory-swap", "-1", "--net", "none", "--rm", "--volume", "/builds/XXX/YYY:/code:ro", "--volume", "/tmp/cc/33bba144-6550-4196-9935-b8bed69993c7:/config.json:ro", "--user", "9000:9000", "--memory", "1024000000", "codeclimate/codeclimate-fixme"]
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:47.186739 #1]  INFO -- : finished engine fixme
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:47.187285 #1]  INFO -- : starting engine rubocop
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:47.188056 #1] DEBUG -- : /config.json content: {"enabled"=>true, "channel"=>"rubocop-0-92", "include_paths"=>[".codeclimate.yml", ".rubocop.yml", "coffeelint.json", ".eslintrc.yml", ".eslintignore", ".csslintrc", "gl-code-quality-report.json"], "debug"=>"1"}
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:47.189122 #1] DEBUG -- : docker run: ["docker", "run", "--name", "cc-engines-rubocop-rubocop-0-92-b049cb9b-06fe-42f8-b5c6-d369b646fd4c", "--cap-drop", "all", "--label", "com.codeclimate.label=2f561b9e-627c-4ba7-bb40-f156817a74b2", "--log-driver", "none", "--memory-swap", "-1", "--net", "none", "--rm", "--volume", "/builds/XXX/YYY:/code:ro", "--volume", "/tmp/cc/3e0b980d-d01b-40b5-a60b-15ba8deeebf6:/config.json:ro", "--user", "9000:9000", "--memory", "1024000000", "codeclimate/codeclimate-rubocop:rubocop-0-92"]
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:49.959788 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: .rubocop.yml: Performance/Sample has the wrong namespace - should be Style
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.260406 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: The `Layout/IndentArray` cop has been renamed to `Layout/FirstArrayElementIndentation`.
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.260612 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.260682 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: The `Layout/IndentHash` cop has been renamed to `Layout/FirstHashElementIndentation`.
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.260741 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.260798 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: The `Layout/Tab` cop has been renamed to `Layout/IndentationStyle`.
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.260858 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.260972 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: The `Lint/EndInMethod` cop has been renamed to `Style/EndBlock`.
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.261174 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.261274 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: The `Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral` cop has been removed. Please use `Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral` and/or `Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral` instead.
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.261333 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.261425 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: The `Style/BracesAroundHashParameters` cop has been removed.
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.261518 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.261560 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: The `Lint/InvalidCharacterLiteral` cop has been removed since it was never being actually triggered.
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.261656 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.261957 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: The `Lint/UselessComparison` cop has been removed since it has been superseded by `Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands`. Please use `Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands` instead.
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.262043 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: (obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
D, [2022-09-19T16:37:51.271735 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: unrecognized cop Lint/EndInMethod found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Lint/InvalidCharacterLiteral found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Lint/UselessComparison found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Performance/Count found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Performance/Detect found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Performance/FlatMap found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Performance/ReverseEach found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Performance/Size found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Performance/StringReplacement found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Rails/ActionFilter found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Rails/Date found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Rails/Delegate found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Rails/FindBy found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Rails/FindEach found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Rails/HasAndBelongsToMany found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Rails/Output found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Rails/ReadWriteAttribute found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Rails/ScopeArgs found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Rails/TimeZone found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Rails/Validation found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Style/BracesAroundHashParameters found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Layout/IndentArray found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Layout/IndentHash found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Layout/SpaceInsideBrackets found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Layout/Tab found in .rubocop.yml, unrecognized cop Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral found in .rubocop.yml
I, [2022-09-19T16:37:52.794645 #1]  INFO -- : finished engine rubocop
Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
WARNING: gl-code-quality-report.json: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory 
ERROR: No files to upload                          
Uploading artifacts...
WARNING: gl-code-quality-report.json: no matching files. Ensure that the artifact path is relative to the working directory 
ERROR: No files to upload                          
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
Job succeeded

Hi @mmatuzas

I think the docker-dind service isn’t starting. Do you have privileged = true in your config.toml file?

I tried with privileged = true but the result is the same. Here is my config.toml:

[root gitlab-runner]# cat config.toml 
concurrent = 3
check_interval = 0

  session_timeout = 1800

  name = "shared-1"
  url = "https://XXX"
  token = "XXX"
  executor = "docker"
    tls_verify = false
    image = "docker:latest"
    privileged = false
    disable_entrypoint_overwrite = false
    oom_kill_disable = false
    disable_cache = false
    volumes = [
    shm_size = 0

Please post your job log with privileged = true

GitLab CodeQuality requires privileged = true, because of the used DinD. If you don’t want to have a privileged runner you can follow this guide to use it without DinD.

Thank you for your help. I managed to solve it by using a non-DinD runner and configuring it from scratch.