I’m currently not able to pull any image for any registry on gitlab.com
I’m getting the following:
docker image pull registry.gitlab.com/companyname/app
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from companyname/app
26c5c85e47da: Already exists
9e79879be9c7: Already exists
5dd57ff8d411: Already exists
50349b1ecdeb: Already exists
431f8d1d6c10: Already exists
4f4fb700ef54: Pulling fs layer
7cffeea1f9d7: Pulling fs layer
ebc7bb5199cf: Pulling fs layer
c6c85ed2806a: Waiting
b8217bc618be: Waiting
error pulling image configuration: download failed after attempts=1: unknown blob
Anyone else has this issue or knows how to fix it?
May 12, 2023, 12:58pm
yes same issue for me.
I think gitlab accidentally deleted all container images.
see this registry
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Same issue. Also when checking images in the registry it constantly updates the create datetime.
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Experiencing this issue as well. Every refresh of an container image page also shows it as published “just now”.
Yeah same here, a colleague of mine has the start of the unix epoch though (firefox).
May 12, 2023, 1:11pm
as a temp workaround, some gitlab images can be found on Docker
we can download them and push to our private container registries
In our case it’s images in our private registries that are affected.
May 12, 2023, 1:13pm
I see. that means the whole gitlab.com is affected. I am using self managed gitlab thankfully so my private images are working
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Also seeing this issue when pulling an image for CI:
ERROR: Job failed: failed to pull image "registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cloud-deploy/aws-base:latest" with specified policies [always]: error pulling image configuration: unknown blob (manager.go:237:0s)
We’re also seeing this in our CI pipelines that try to use private images:
ERROR: failed to solve: registry.gitlab.com/companyname/project/image:tag: failed to copy: httpReadSeeker: failed open: could not fetch content descriptor sha256:xxxxxxxxxxxx (application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json) from remote: not found
May 12, 2023, 1:18pm
they finally acknowledged the issue on gitlab status page thankfully https://status.gitlab.com/
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Now showing ‘active incident’.
Incident is still open, but I am able to pull images at the moment.
Same issue. I am still unable to pull images.
Images used in production…
May 12, 2023, 1:54pm
able to pull my images now. i think they are recovering
Pushing doesn’t work either: