We have a multiproject pipeline setup where child pipeline fetches artifacts from an upstream merge request pipeline. Ref to child pipeline is passed using CI_MERGE_REQUEST_REF_PATH variable. We simply use this method: Downstream pipelines | GitLab For a while everything worked fine until about month or two ago.
We are using self-hosted gitalb and now we are facing issue, where parent job is unable to find a upstream job from which it is suppose to get artifacts. I missed the moment when the problem started occurring, currently we are using 16.4.x version.
I made some investigation and I found that CI_MERGE_REQUEST_REF_PATH variable always has pattern: refs/merge_request//head
Where actual ref from upstream job sometimes has this structure: refs/merge_request//merge
Which mean that ref pointed by CI_MERGE_REQUEST_REF_PATH variable do not exist.
I am not sure if it is some misconfiguration or this is a new issue in gitlab. I donβt see any changes regarding this functionality in manual.
The guide says to check forum first before reporting a bug, so here I am.
Also, someone else has a similar issue: